Singing And Travelling With A Choir

Being part of a choir singing-tour is fun. Usually those who participate in these ventures actually sing in a choir, or they are in someway related to one or more of the choir members. Like any other group excursion, these trips can bring a small group of travellers closer together or break former relationships apart. Mainly, the participants get to take advantage of group travel rates.

Someone who sings on the choir on a lucky tour because they can explore the world doing two things they love at the same time. Because travelling choirs usually consist of more than at least 15 singers, travel rates are offered at a good discount.

Some travel agent expertise lies in organizing choir tours. In addition to excellent travel fares and lodging rates, the tour group / travel agent will have booked a site-seeing excursion to enjoy in the various countries and cities where … READ MORE ...

Benefits Of Booking Last Minute Travel

William Shatner may be best known to most Americans as STAR TREK’s Captain Kirk, but for a new generation he is instantly recognized as the Priceline Negotiator, appearing in a number of cheesy, over the top commercials hocking the last minute, budget minded travel site. Priceline was among the first of many similarly themed sites, offering steep discount on airline fares and hotel rooms nationwide.

It is an attractive concept. If you don’t mind some odd departure or arrival hours, you can typically pick up unsold airline seats or empty hotel rooms for a fraction of the normal price. The only downside is that to make it work you have to wait until the last minute to make your travel plans and you end up at the whim of whatever might still be available.

You don’t even need a middle man like Priceline to get a deal either. Airlines routinely … READ MORE ...