Qualities Of A Fishing Guide

It doesn’t really matters that much whether you are a regular experienced fisherman or an amateur angler, who goes for fishing once in a blue moon only, a fishing guide is what that is almost necessary to make your trip pleasurable. Carrying an expert with you will help you many ways. He will not only be guiding you about the hot spots about places, but also will be direct source of information about a lot many things. If you have a local fishing guide with you, you are one step ahead already. He/she will help you saving a great amount of time for doing things like searching places to cast your bait or finding hot spots. You need not to worry about what kind of boat or rig you should be using for that particular area.

While you choose you fishing guide, following are the pointers you should keep in … READ MORE ...

Raising Well Balanced Children Through Outdoor Recreation

What can be said about my daughter? Kaitlin is one of the most beautiful, intelligent and dynamic individuals I have ever met. Of all the people on this planet (and not in the interest of vanity), we are, in my opinion, the most closely aligned in idealism and philosophy while remaining individualistic in our preferred application of of outdoor recreation. If I would have been able to plan and design a remarkable child, I could not have imagined a daughter that would defy my expectations and expand the core of my beliefs.

From a young age she has been an avid reader. I have fond memories of vacations to our family cabin, when she would lay awake at night pouring over a book she just couldn’t put down. To me, reading and the outdoors go together like a nap in a hammock; they are both great but better together. Kaitlin … READ MORE ...