Many people look at a vacation as a time to sit back, take it easy and enjoy a restful time by the pool with a good book and a drink in hand. For others, a few days of this routine leaves them restless and looking for something to challenge them.

If you find yourself in the challenge category, you should consider active travel as an outlet for your need to keep moving.

If staying healthy and fit is a strong motivator for you, active travel options can be a perfect way to enjoy time away from home while keeping your mind and body challenged.

There are a number of starting points for this type of travel experience. The first is to focus on a particular type of activity. Walking tours and programs are quite popular, providing a chance to see areas which are difficult to get to by … READ MORE ...

We usually plan our holidays according to the weather. During the summer we need to enjoy the sun, the sea, the long walks or mountain hiking. During winter we search for those places where the amount of snow allows us to do winter sports and build snowmen.

But it sometimes happens that it rains in summer for days. Or there are snowstorms in winter which don’t allow you to leave the house. What if your vacation days were like this? The question is very good but the holidays are not ruined completely by the weather when you are staying in a good hotel.

Many hotels offer so many activities you can do inside that sometimes you don’t even feel like leaving it for the entire time spent there. For example some of the hotels are offering beauty treatments including body massages. A rainy day is the perfect moment … READ MORE ...